Italy ~ April '14

Hello blog readers! It's been a while...

I've been busy with exams and stuff the last month or so so haven't really paid my blog much attention. Anyway, as I mentioned in a previous blog, I went to Italy at the beginning of April for a week. All I can say is that I didn't want to leave. I know this post is long overdue but I wanted to share my experience and some pictures from my time there. 

I had never been to Italy before and lucky for me, my boyfriend used to live in Italy so speaks Italian fluently. My very own personal translator- how lucky! He had always rambled on and on about how beautiful Italy was and I used to think "how great could it possibly be?"

My week there left me amazed. Italy was everything he bigged it up to be and exceeded all my expectations. It really is such a beautiful place. 

I went with my boyfriend's family and we stayed in a seaside town called Forte dei Marmi (Fort of Marble) which is north of Tuscany in the province of Lucca (says Google!). This little town was adorable. I got the impression it was home and attraction to more upper class as there were designer shops left right and centre but even so, still had the quaint characteristics that gave me the Italian experience. 

Anyway, here are some pictures :) Enjoy! 

 I was told that there was in fact a little motorbike vehicle in mind was blown. I need me one of those...I'm so small it would be perfect for zooming around in. "Hey guys just driving my wee truck around...just kidding, it's a scooter"

By the way, Italian ice cream is INCREDIBLE! I made sure to have at least one a day. If you ever see cinnamon flavour in Italy, try try try it! The one I had was so yummy! 

There was this cycle path that ran kind of by the sea. Metres and metres of perfect flat terrain to cycle along in the sunshine- bliss.

Don't get me started on the food in Italy. I'm drooling right now... The pizza below is aubergine (or eggplant) and parmesan.

Langoustine (or as they called it on the menu, 'baby lobster') linguine

 I love asking for stuff not in the menu. A simple bowl of clams in a garlic, chilli and oil sauce

 I could not resist photographing all the gorgeous fruit and veg

We found a wood in Forte dei Marmi near the villa we were staying in and cycled past this adorable little stream. My bike was made for cruisin' in the city...not on stoney, branch-y, bumpy terrain. I had such a sore bottom after cycling through here...TMI! 

 Spectacular views from the beach front in Forte dei Marmi

I caught this pigeon in mid-flight! Artistic, no? 

My boyfriend also took me to Florence and Pisa as you can see. We went by train and let me tell you, it's worth the journeys. I can't wait to go back and explore more of this beautiful country. The shopping there was also top-notch! 

P.s all these photos are my own :) Hope you enjoyed! 


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