What they don't tell you about university: the pressure, the stress, the tears...

I remember reading about university courses during my last year of high school. I looked at so many course descriptions. So many. Lots of things looked interesting, but many of them I couldn't take because my grades were not good enough for the required subjects. In the end, I settled for a course that I thought I might be good at, because I seemed to do well in a particular subject in school that was related to this university course. I am almost at the end of my university experience and I can't wait until this nightmare is over. 

Many people say that university was the best time of their lives. They loved the independence, new adventure and making new friends. That's only one side to it, people don't often talk about the ugly face of university experience. Don't get me wrong, the meeting new friends and partying side of it is great, but when the fun is over, you can't afford to be care-free and mess around anymore. 

Now, some might say that uni is a joke- that it's a dawdle. Maybe that is the case for their course, but for many, if you manage to progress past first and second year, it only gets harder. You need to work hard and be dedicated to doing the work. If you fall behind, it can be hard to catch up because much of your learning relies on self-study. 

My main point is, don't go to university just for the sake of it. If there's really nothing that you want to study at uni, don't go. Do a college course, launch yourself into work, go travelling, the world is (yes, I'm going to say it) your oyster. Don't let others pressure you because university does become a chore and a massive bore when you are studying something you aren't actually that bothered about. It's not the be all and end all. I like to think that maybe if I had chosen a course that I actually thought was interesting, rather than one that I thought I might be good at, my university experience would have been much better. However, the truth is, I'm just not an academic. And I accecpt that. I don't like doing all the readings, I don't like writing long-a** essays and I HATE exams with a passion. 

I can safely say, these (almost) 4 years of my life have been pretty rubbish in terms of uni life. The mental strain, stress  and tears I have shed over these years because of uni is just not worth it. If you are passionate about studying something at uni, go for it! I am by no means discouraging you from going to university altogether. But what I'm saying is that if you are having doubts, don't force yourself to go just because everyone else is doing it, or because your parents say you "have to". At the end of the day, make a decision that makes you happy.

Is it obvious that I'm venting due to pre-exam stress? Happy Wednesday! Back to studying now... :(


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