Brown&Harris England Body Mist

Heelllooooo there!
I have been rather lazy and have neglected my blog for a while. I had planned to put up a few reviews and whatnots over a month ago but since starting university I haven't had much time to sit and write reviews. I've been pottering about so much! Oh my poor feet. Anyway, I'm hopefully going to ease myself back in with a simple one.
This is a body mist I recieved as a gift from a friend. I know it says body mist but I've been using it as more of a 'room mist' I love the packaging! It's so vintage looking and very girly.
The scent is 'English Rose' but it doesn't have an overpowering and heavily artificial rose smell to it- which many rose scented products can be like. It's very delicate which is why I find the rose scent to it tolerable.
It has a very light soapy-ness to it but other than that it's a light and girly scent.

I tried Googling a website but it seems they have yet to set it up. You can sign up for their mailing list though, I think. So when the websitee does go live you'll be able to check it out. I'll link it here.
Quick and easy overview :) done and dusted! I hope those of you who are living in the UK are wrapping up- it's getting so chilly!
Thanks for reading, toodles for now xx


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