Good Things Body Butter and Lotion Review

Oh heeeeey! I am very excited about these products because I am in love with them and want to marry them. Along with many of the ther products from this range. Let me know if you'd like to be invited to the wedding.

I don't know where to start. I am sat with the two products you see below next to me and I cannot stop smelling them! *drooooooools*
Warning: I will probably refer to how good they smell about a hundred times :)

I shall start with the lotion. I love the packaging, it looks ever so sleek and pretty on my dresser. They aren't fibbing when they print "ultra rich" on the bottle because this stuff just feels so hydrating and luxuriousy decadent. It absorbs almost instantly and leaves your skin super smooth. For my views on the scent, keep reading :)
The body butter is very similar! In fact, I'd say the only difference is that the body butter is a lot thicker. Smoothing this on feels like slathering very thickly whipped cream on your body. It this doesn't leave you feeling moisturised I don't know what will! Now as for the scents, despite the fact that they are named to smell of different things, I personally think they smell very much the same. It's a very strong, sweet berry scent- there's even a hint of tang from the berries. This smells great and I will be repurchasing over and over. There's nothing I don't like. Feels good, smells good, does good. I couldn't ask for more!
Both these products are great for dry skin or any skin type in fact! Perfect for keeping soft and supple in the winter months when the cold dries out our skin. Stay smelling yummy throughout the winter!
The Good Things range is available from drugstores in the UK like Boots and Superdrug (those are the ones I know of) and also supermarkets. I got mine from Sainsbury's! Here's a link to their website - it's the page that tells you where you can purchase these products but also look around the site and find out more :)
I have tried their facial wipes and spot treatment too, both of which I thoroughly enjoyed. I highly reccomend you check all their stuff out and hope you love it as much as I do!
Thanks for reading! :) xx


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