Dream Tag

Do you dream?
Yes! Quite alot...doesn't that mean you're not having a good sleep or something?
What did you dream about last night?

I can't remember :(
How many dreams do you usually remember?
A few...if they are particularly random
Do you have a dream journal?
Nope- but I like to think one day someone will invent a dream recording machine
How often do you have nightmares?
Not as often as I used to
Do you lucid dream?
Don't think so
Do you dream in color?
Do you dream in first person?
Do you have recurring dreams?
YES! (read below)
Have you ever had déjà vu?
Yes! (I once dreamt that I was sitting at the back of my dad's car- in the middle seat- eating a packet of crisps and the next day...that's what happened! LOL)

I'm going to share some funny stories of nightmares and dreams.... Enjoy! 

- I don't know how to drive and I've had many dreams before where I'm driving a car...and I'm always having to drive away from a certain situation- like I'm escaping from something and ALWAYS my granny has been in the car. I don't know why but in those situations my granny is always there and I need to drive her away too...I'm like Granny Protector haha!

- I remember a recurring dream I had- I had it 4/5 nights in a row and then once in a while I would have it again. It's not 100% a recurring dream...it's one aspect of the dream that kept appearing and it was this mansion/old house...that was the main thing...I don't remember much else apart from the dream revolved around that building.

- One nightmare that I will always remember is this:
It was the day of a school trip in primary school and we went to the museum. It was the Ancient Egyptian stuff we went to see in particular and I remember really disliking all the mummies and their coffins (what are they called again?). There was one particular face that was painted on a mummy and I found it so creepy. That night in my nightmare, I was being chased by a mummy and I fell over. I woke up in a cold sweat and was lying face down on the floor next to my bed with the duvet under me...it was so weird...I was quite young and I think I was sobbing because it was really unpleasant (but looking back on it now I think it's hilarious) so my mum came through, switched on my light and said "why are you on the floor?" And that was that. Scary at the time but utterly funny now!

Dreams and nightmares are funny things...Until next time, take care!


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