smashbox - Photo Finish Foundation Primer

Who hates runny make up? I do, I do! 
People who have troubles with oily skin will find that sometimes makeup doesn't last as long as it should. Some of us have an uneven skin surface for even application of products such as foundation. This is where a face primer comes in. 
Face primers are meant to smooth out the surface you are working with, make application easier for a more flawless look and to also prolong the wear of your makeup 

smashbox is somewhat of a more pricey brand of makeup but their Photo Finish foundation primer is well worth every penny. If you suffer from problems like those mentioned above, this product will be a god-send. 

It makes your skin sooooo smooth and velvety and provides the best surface for applying other facial products. Everything else applies like a dream. "As smooth as a baby's bottom" haha! 

I recommend trying a sample first before purchasing the full product to see if you break out. Silicone primers apparently last longer but be wary that you might be allergic to this. 

You don't need a lot of this per use. About a pea-size amount will go a long way so it's easy to stretch out the pricey cost you paid and make this worth its money. It makes your face makeup up stay on for ages, even in hot, humid, sweaty conditions. Good for nights out if you want your makeup to last just that bit longer.
Find this on the smashbox website here. That's for US but for those in the UK you can check it out on their UK website here for £25.00 or at Boots for the same price.


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