Revlon- Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain in Crush/Beguin

Hello there! I'm settled back home now! Byebye laying by the pool sunbathing :(

I can't think of a more perfect lip product to take on holiday- a lip stain becomes a girls very best friend when holidaying and I'll tell you why:

- No colour transfer when drinking/eating
- Long-lasting colour
- Doesn't dry out the lips
- A little goes a long way
- Easily build-able for a more dramatic look
- No need to take lots of lip colours on holiday because this can create different looks

I rest my case :) I thoroughly enjoyed using this while I was away in hot, sunny weather. The colour I picked up was Crush or Beguin. Is it both names? Or is the second one just in a different language? It's a really pretty berry colour that leaves your lips looking deliciously juicy an glossy. It also has a kind of minty scent to it- I'm on the fence about the scent. It doesn't offend me but I don't love it. 
This leaves your lips moisturised with a light stain of colour- but you can also really build up the colour for a more vibrant look. I found that during the day time I could apply a light slick of this and be good for a good few hours- reapplying if I wanted more colour- and then in the evening I would simply build up the colour for an evening lip. So versatile! I loved it and highly recommend this. 

I feel like this would also be great if you work long hours and/or don't have time to always reapply lip colour. This is subtle, moisturising and long-lasting. Ticks all the boxes for me!

Check out the rest of the colours here on the Revlon website where you can read about the lip products and gain a couple nifty tricks to use them! This is going to last me a long time but I'm glad because I know I'll reach for it lots and it shall not be neglected! 


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